Drain Camera Inspections

Diagnosing faults and blockages without damage

Drain inspections with fibre optic camera in Norfolk

A thorough inspection of pipe systems and drainage is conducted through a CCTV drain survey, utilizing advanced survey cameras and technology. This process entails visually mapping faults, enabling the determination of optimal courses of action for repairs or replacements. The utilization of CCTV drain surveys is a cost-effective and precise method for identifying problems or potential complications within drainage systems.

Cox Construction's team of CCTV surveyors employs cutting-edge technology to perform comprehensive inspections and generate detailed reports. These reports serve as valuable tools in deciding the most effective approaches for necessary repairs or replacements.

The CCTV survey procedure involves the insertion of a camera into pipes or drains to capture real-time images of blockages, cracks, or collapsed sections. Mobile units are deployed to assess the condition of drainage pipes, identifying issues like hairline cracks or stubborn blockages. The collected data is analysed using specialized programs to produce a comprehensive report, complete with recommendations for repairs or maintenance.

By opting for our CCTV survey process, you can be assured that drainage problems will be swiftly identified and addressed by our team of experts, providing you with peace of mind. Contact us today for a no-obligation discussion of your requirements!